Same Day Local Delivery

We offer same day delivery on all orders placed before 5.00pm, 7 days a week to the following areas:

Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, waltham forest, Loughton, Newham.

Parts of tower hamlets (E14) including: Limehouse, Poplar, Millwall, Cubitt Town, West India Quay, Canning Town, canary wharf, isle of dogs.

Parts of Thurrock including: Purfleet, Aveley, south Ockendon.

**some surrounding areas, check our post code list to see if you are in our delviery zone.

Our deliveries are split into two zones, zone 1 orders over £10.00 are free delivery (£1.50 under £10.00) and zone 2, there is a small delivery fee of £3.50. We no not have a minimum order requirement.

Further down the page we also have a detailed post code schedule with the zones.

Not in our local delivery area? Not to worry, we courier all of our non frozen produts nationwide!

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Post Code List for Same Day Delivery

All of the following post codes qualify for same day delivery.

Zone 1: Free Delivery on orders over £10. £1.50 under.

RM1, RM2, RM6, RM7, RM8, RM9,RM10, RM11, RM12, RM13, IG1, IG2, IG3, IG11

Zone 2: £3.50 delivery, Orders over £75 is free.

RM3, RM4, RM5, RM14, RM15, RM19, IG4, IG5, IG6, IG7, IG8, IG9, E4, E6, E7, E10, E11, E12, E13, E14,E15, E16, E17, E18

Delivery Beyond Our Usual Area

While we have a standard delivery zone, we're happy to extend our reach whenever possible. If you live outside our usual delivery area, contact us and we'll see if we can arrange delivery for you.


Delivery Via Courier

Please note that we are currently unable to ship frozen food due to frequent issues with our courier partners. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

All other orders are dispatched within 24 hours of being placed.

You can choose your preferred shipping method at checkout.

Shanzi Naturals products qualify for free standard delivery.

For all other products, standard delivery starts from £2.50.


Click & Collect 7 days a week. Once your order is placed, we will contact you to arrange a time that suits you.

Please note: Collection is from our home address. We are not a physical shop so are not open for browsing.

We are very flexible with collection times, all we ask is that if you think you are going to be late or would like to re-arrange please let us know ASAP